
Le thé sur simple pression d'un bouton

Never before has the preparation of the tea and infusions been as simple as with the BRU Maker One. Just choose the amount of water, the temperature and the infusion time, and you can enjoy your tea in complete tranquillity.


Pas de place ? Pas de problème !

Le BRU Maker One is also a cool water distributor. It delivers and filters the hot water at the temperature and in the quantity you want. Dis "au revoir" to the bouilloire.


Nettoyage automatique

With our certified automatic rinse function, the infusion chamber is automatically cleaned after each cup of tea. This ensures that there is no loss of taste when changing the variety of tea.


Brasse ce que tu veux, comme tu veux

Le BRU Maker One fonctionne avec tous types de thés et d'herbes, que ce soit en vrac ou en sachet. Oublie les capsules coûteuses ou les dosettes !


Une théière pleine de thé

The multiple infusion function can automatically prepare up to 4 successive brewing cycles. This allows you to brew up to 1.4 liters of hot water automatically - enough to satisfy several hot water enthusiasts.

The ultimate tea maker. Your perfect tea at the press of a button

Tradition and innovation combined

The individually adjustable water temperature, brewing time and water quantity guarantee constant and tasty tea enjoyment.

At BRU, we value the tradition of brewing every tea at the optimum temperature and time. That's why we have automated this process for you.

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Tea variety instead of capsule flavor

The BRU tea maker works with loose leaf tea, tea bags and any kind of herbs. You decide what you want to brew and are not tied to tea brands or plastic tea capsules.

Healthy and fit with tea

Tea is healthy: the right preparation is crucial.

Depending on the variety, tea can also easily replace coffee, boost the immune system or have a calming effect before going to bed.

However, the right temperature and brewing time is essential for this - only then can the health-promoting active ingredients and aromas unfold to their fullest extent. This is exactly what the BRU tea maker does.

Autumn is coming...get cozy!

The cooler days call for warmth and coziness - and what could be better than a hot cup of tea? It not only strengthens your immune system, but also provides soothing relaxation. With the BRU Maker One and our selection of premium teas, you can enjoy the golden season to the full. Treat yourself to some time out and discover your new favorite tea!

Made by tea drinkers for tea drinkers

Hi, we are Filip and Bogdan! We founded BRU together 3 years ago. As a Zurich-based start-up, our goal is to simplify home tea preparation for every tea lover.

The BRU Maker One was born out of our passion for healthy and delicious tea. Unfortunately, we couldn't find a tea maker that really worked. So we decided to take matters into our own hands and develop a product that now delights both tea novices and tea experts alike.

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