Fascinating facts about the history of tea

Fascinating facts of the tea story

Tea has been an important part of human culture for centuries. The triumph of tea from its first use in China to the most popular drink in the world (after water) is fascinating. Here are some key highlights:

  • There is evidence of possible tea cultivation in the Tianluo Mountains in eastern China from 4000 BC.
  • In 350 AD, tea plants from Yunnan Province were cultivated along the Yangtze River in Sichuan Province, marking the definitive beginning of tea cultivation in China.
  • Around 600 AD, the Chinese character "c'ha", which means tea, came into common use.
  • In 900 AD, Japanese scholars returned from a trip to China with tea and introduced it to Japan.
  • During the Ming Dynasty (1368 AD - 1644 AD), the Chinese began to drink tea by brewing whole tea leaves in hot water.
  • Tea drinking became widespread in Japan in the 1400s.
  • In 1610 AD, the Dutch East India Company began trading tea in Europe. It procured tea and Chinese clay teapots from Portuguese traders in Macao and established trade relations with Japan. Tea came to Europe and was sold to wealthy people as an exotic remedy.
  • In 1664 AD, the English East India Company introduced tea to England and it quickly became popular with the aristocracy.
  • Around 1680 AD, tea drinking became a popular pastime in Europe due to a boom in all things oriental. Adding milk to hot tea was practiced to prevent cracks in the delicate porcelain cups.
  • In 1717 AD, Thomas Twinning converted his coffee house into the first tea store, "The Golden Lyon", which became the first meeting place for women in public.
  • In 1784 AD, Thomas Twinning's grandson persuaded the Prime Minister William Pitt to abolish the high taxes on tea, which not only eliminated smuggling but also made tea an affordable luxury for Britons from all walks of life.
  • In 1840 AD, Anna, the 7th Duchess of Bedford, invented afternoon tea to eliminate the "empty feeling" she felt during the long period between breakfast and dinner.
  • In 1900 AD, the Trans-Siberian Railway was completed, putting an end to the camel caravan trade between Russia and China. In Russia, tea became the national drink (alongside vodka).
  • In England, tea rooms became a popular meeting place for the working class to have afternoon tea.
  • The first patents for tea bags were registered in 1903 AD.
  • In 1904 AD, the first "iced tea" was served at the World's Fair in St. Louis. A tea merchant had planned to give away samples of his tea to visitors to the exposition, and not knowing what to do when a heat wave jeopardized his plans, he added ice to his hot tea.
  • Today, over 5 million metric tons of tea are grown and produced in more than 40 countries worldwide.

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