Wonderful & strange facts from the world of tea: Tea Facts - 1

Our favorite weird and wonderful tea facts

Our goal here at BRU is to enable you to make the perfect cup of tea with your BRU machine at the touch of a button, as easily and conveniently as possible. As we are passionate tea drinkers ourselves, we also love to keep up to date with the latest tea trends & tea facts and discover all kinds of tea varieties & tea recipes! In this blog series, we regularly present our favorite & most surprising tea facts - to amaze, share & brag about at your next tea party 🤓

Let us know on Facebook ( BRU ) or Instagram ( @bru_company ) which facts you like best!


Tea: THE drink

Tea is the second most consumed beverage on the planet after water! By 2025, global tea consumption will reach around 7.4 billion kilograms!


Tee <> Tisane

Do you know what the difference is between "tea" and "tisane"? Tea must contain leaves from the Camellia Sinensis plant to be considered tea. The leaves and buds of this evergreen shrub are used for the classic teas, which are rich in antioxidant polyphenols & flavonoids, may contain caffeine and are known for their many health benefits. A tisane, on the other hand, refers to any herbal beverage made from herbs, spices, flowers and leaves (e.g. herbal teas). We love to make both tisane and tea easily & conveniently in our BRU tea maker!


One for all

All the different "real" tea varieties such as black tea, green tea, oolong, Darjeeling, white tea etc. come from the same plant (Camellia Sinensis) or its Indian variation (Camellia Sinensis var. Assamica)!

The differences in appearance and taste are purely due to different processing methods. For example, the tea leaves for black tea are allowed to oxidize after plucking, resulting in a dark color and a strong taste. With green tea, this process is prevented, which is why the tea leaves retain their green color. With other types of tea, such as white or yellow tea, other details in the production process or harvesting are changed. However, the main indicator is the color, with the most oxidized teas being the darkest!

Over the thousands of years of tea production, a variety of methods have been developed, some of which were kept secret for hundreds of years and were reserved for the imperial family, for example! 



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Our favorite weird and wonderful tea facts - 2 BRU AG

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